Reading Room

for my sister

for my sister

it’s a drunkintheafternoon kind of day wrung out acronyms come up on my keyboard instead of my sister’s name it’s a drunkintheafternoon kind of day wrung out acronyms come up on my keyboard instead of my sister’s name this is the place of the abbreviated    form...



he traces the tattoo of Africa on my back tells me how he wants to go back to Sierra Leone he traces the tattoo of Africa on my back tells me how he wants to go back to Sierra Leone I want to ask him how he can love a mother land that chewed and spit him out like...

Baby Food

Baby Food

“Baby Food” is the honourable mention of Room’s Short Forms Contest 2018 as selected by judge Hiromi Goto. We called it baby food. We were secretive and gleeful. At fourteen, we’d outrun our periods—literally—clomping down Kimberly Hill with such exaggerated...

Shortlisted Writers from our 2018 Short Forms Contest!

Shortlisted Writers from our 2018 Short Forms Contest!

We're excited to announce the shortlist from our 2018 Short Forms Contest! Here are the six shortlisted short forms pieces, as selected by our esteemed judge Hiromi Goto. We're excited to announce the shortlist from our 2018 Short Forms Contest! Here are the six...

Thrust Into My Wilderness

Thrust Into My Wilderness

I wring the sweat and earth from my dewy fingers and flick open my app. A dick pic. Finally. It is a birdsong in the boughs. I gasp. Smile. Spotted. At last. My soft white legs brush against each other like kindling begging for a spark. It is July, hot late afternoon....

Still Fighting

Still Fighting

The same folks who believe racism only exists in the past will tell you patriarchal misogyny is obsolete and men now suffer because women hold all of the cards. The same folks who believe racism only exists in the past will tell you patriarchal misogyny is obsolete...

I Mind the Time

I Mind the Time

I was helping Father____ glue stickers to the school window. First came the angel over the stable watching over everyone Use lots of glue he said You ‘member those schools? I musta been eight or nine before Christmas it was. I was helping Father____ glue stickers to...

Truth Follows Character

Truth Follows Character

This morning I stopped to see clouds breaking over the mountains, the same as in a dream, but clearer, pellucid, light and shadowy at once, light gray, a sweet white. This morning I stopped to see clouds breaking over the mountains, the same as in a dream, but...

Whatever, Iceberg

Whatever, Iceberg

Whatever, Iceberg chronicles an all-too-familiar queer romance interwoven with polyamory, single parenting, chronic pain, poverty, and aging. Despite the specificity of Ziniuk’s writing, the collection remains relatable for anyone who has ever been in a badly timed...

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In times of crisis, we laugh to offer tenderness, to ward off despair— so we can be brave. Gather round ROOM 48.1 WITS END and let humour be a mirror held up to the state of the world as we continue to resist.

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Step back with Room into the past, to parents, to childhood homes, and to people once known and loved; dig into themes of grief and healing; and ultimately explore what it means to come full circle in literature.

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