My Great-Great Grandmother Was a Dystopian Halloween Costume

Tiffany Morris

Who can resist the chance to climb
into another skin? Into myth-spit
caricature? A sideshow mockery
in felt-dripped-fringe?

Who can resist the chance to climb
into another skin? Into myth-spit
caricature? A sideshow mockery
in felt-dripped-fringe?
A technicolor chicken-feathered ghoul
ripped from a century of
Hollywood nightmares?
For $30 a pop there are Indian maidens
princesses warriors like a million
fake great-great-grandmothers
born in family lore and
rolling in forgotten graves.
But thank goodness:
no more Handmaids
with their bloodred robes
opened like a mouth
grinning red
like horror red
like wounding red
like a slur kept alive
under your eye


Artist Statement:

There was enough public outcry when costume retailer Yandy released its “sexy” take on “The Handmaid’s Tale” costume that it was ultimately pulled from their catalog. In a 2017 interview with Cosmopolitan, the same retailer stated it would not pull its racist costumes depicting Indigenous women, due to a lack of controversy and public outcry. So, here are my questions, for retailers and consumers alike: why are fictional women a higher priority than Indigenous women? Whose dystopias reflect whose realities?

Learn more about Turtle Island Responds

Tiffany Morris is a Mi’kmaw writer from K’jipuktuk (Halifax). Her horror fiction and poetry have appeared in Eye To The TelescopeAugurRoom, and anthologies from Clash Books, among others. Find her at or on Twitter @tiffmorris.

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