Poetry Contest 2021: The Shortlist

It was a tough decision to make, but here they are, the five poems (and poets) that made the shortlist for our 2021 Poetry Contest. A big thank you to our wonderful judge, Kama La Mackerel, who had the difficult job of whittling down a longlist of incredible poetry. Without further ado, and in no particular order, here is the 2021 Poetry Contest Shortlist:


an epiphany/psychotic episode, by Moni Brar

Silent Lake and Pretty Palimpsests, by Margo LaPierre

On Carl Beam’s The Whale of Our Being, by Cara Goodwin

mama bodyguards chickens, by Debora Anthonypillai

Escarpment, by Maria Ford


Thank you to everyone who submitted their incredible work, and trusted us with their poetry. Keep an eye out for the winners announcement, coming next Friday, December 17th. Our Poetry Contest will open again in June, 2022. Congratulations to these poets!

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