Fainting Couch Feminists Episode 15: Fat Suits, Airbrushing, and the Shortcomings of #BodyPositive: A Convo with Megan Jones and Jocelyn Tennant

Today we’re talking bodies. Friends of the podcast Jocelyn Tennant (a screenwriter and short fiction writer) and Megan Jones (a model and poet)join Mica in a conversation about how our experiences with fatness and thinness intersect. We also chat about body dysmorphia, binge eating, that preposterous new show “Insatiable,” and how nice it would be to live in a world where “fat” doesn’t mean “bad.”

Writer and musician Mica Lemiski interviews women and non-binary artists about a range of topics (gender! politics! love! literature!) in a podcast best-suited to bitches, witches, and anyone who’s ever been called “hysterical.”

Episode Fifteen: Fat Suits, Airbrushing, and the Shortcomings of #BodyPositive: A Convo with Megan Jones and Jocelyn Tennant

Today we’re talking bodies. Friends of the podcast Jocelyn Tennant (a screenwriter and short fiction writer) and Megan Jones (a model and poet) join Mica in a conversation about how our experiences with fatness and thinness intersect. We also chat about body dysmorphia, binge eating, that preposterous new show “Insatiable,” and how nice it would be to live in a world where “fat” doesn’t mean “bad.”

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About the Host

Mica Lemiski is an MFA student at UBC and contributor to Room (“Tiny Parts,” Issue 39.2). Her thesis project is a combination of comedic personal essays and original music, which is being developed into a podcast series. She is the host of “Fainting Couch Feminists.” She is originally from Vernon, B.C. but is currently based in Vancouver.

Follow Mica on Twitter @MicaLemiski


Hosting, editing, and all music by Mica Lemiski 
Produced by Room magazine and Mica Lemiski



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