Announcing Our Poetry and Fiction Contest 2016 Shortlist!

The long-awaited shortlists are here! These are the shortlisted entries carefully chosen by our judges–Marilyn Dumont for the poetry category, and Doretta Lau for fiction. We will be announcing the top three winners of each category on Oct 15, the same day our first ever Short Form Contest opens!

Room’s Annual Poetry & Fiction Contest 2016: The Shortlists

The long-awaited shortlists are here! These are the shortlisted entries carefully chosen by our judges–Marilyn Dumont for the poetry category, and Doretta Lau for fiction. We will be announcing the top three winners of each category on Oct 15, the same day our first ever Short Form Contest opens!

Fiction Short List
“Garbage Girl” by Tanya Bellehumeur-Allatt
“Genus and Species” by Leslie Beckmann
“Lost Boys”  by Kim McCullough
“Parc Ex” by Mona’a Malik
“A Pilgrimage to Holy Places” by Alanna Scott
“SIN” by Leanne Dunic
“A Thousand Layers” by Emily Gagné
“Unearth” by Alicia Elliott
“We are Not the Body” by Mallory Tater
“With Regrets, from the Mississauga Airport Ramada” by Kirsti Salmi

Poetry Short List
“Boreal Selkie” by brit griffin
“Chaff” by Laisha Rosnau
“february” by judy barlow
“forgetting urdu” by Zehra Naqvi
“Gabriel’s Last Military Manoeuver” by Andréa Ledding
“Lilith” by Irene Wilder
“Secret Washing” by Mallory Tater
“Widower” by Mallory Tater

Thank you to everyone who entered. We will announce the winners next week so check those inboxes!

Also, we still need your help with our anthology! Our featured perk is The B.C. Poetry Bundle


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