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Issue 48.4 Open Call for Submissions

Issue 48.4 Open Call for Submissions

Room Magazine invites unpublished writing on any theme for our open issue 48.4, edited by Sadie Graham, Natasha Gauthier, Fran Pacchiano, and Chimedum Ohaegbu.  Without prescription or limitation, we want to see your best work. Work that takes risks, with language...

Love Poems for the Times: Laughing As We Resist

Love Poems for the Times: Laughing As We Resist

To love is to risk, to be dangerous enough to sigh, cry, laugh, and jest in the most harrowing of conditions, in grief, and in the solemnity of witness. Dreams of love and liberation are filled with laughter, wit, and irreverence or they are not full. In Room’s Wits...

The Craft of Translation: Tamara Jong interviews Yilin Wang

The Craft of Translation: Tamara Jong interviews Yilin Wang

What is the relationship between translation and resistance? In this interview, former member of Room's collective, Tamara Jong, speaks to author Yilin Wang about translating poetry, celebrating meaning, and more. Yilin Wang 王艺霖 is a writer, poet, editor and...

Six Ways to Rest and Resist This Season

Six Ways to Rest and Resist This Season

We know that rest is essential for our well-being and for staying grounded in the vital work of resistance and transformation, yet it’s easy to get caught in the whirlwind of constant motion. Room staff and editors shared the following practices to support you in...

Featuring Palestinian Voices, part 6

Featuring Palestinian Voices, part 6

We continue to honour and stand alongside the Palestinian people, who resist the ongoing colonization of their lands, apartheid, and genocide perpetuated by “Israel”. In this moment of crucial conversations in “CanLit,” we find it instructive to look to movements like...

Review of Bird Suit by Sydney Hegele

Review of Bird Suit by Sydney Hegele

Bird Suit by Sydney Hegele Invisible Publishing 272 pages $16.95 “The Port Peter peaches lure tourists,” begins Sydney Hegele’s debut novel, Bird Suit, and their hypnotic writing lures readers into this sickly-sweet saga just as effectively. Nestled on the shores of...

Pre-order our next issue

In times of crisis, we laugh to offer tenderness, to ward off despair— so we can be brave. Gather round ROOM 48.1 WITS END and let humour be a mirror held up to the state of the world as we continue to resist.

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Step back with Room into the past, to parents, to childhood homes, and to people once known and loved; dig into themes of grief and healing; and ultimately explore what it means to come full circle in literature.

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