
Black History Month Interview Feature: Nic Wayara on Black and Indigenous solidarity

Black History Month Interview Feature: Nic Wayara on Black and Indigenous solidarity

Tansi, hello! Welcome to our online celebration of Black History Month with the Indigenous Brilliance Collective and Room Magazine. For the month of February, we will be sharing weekly content on the @indigenousbrilliance Instagram page, as well as over here on the Room Magazine website. This month we will explore different media recommendations from Patricia Massy of Massy Books, share interviews and content from featured Black and Black/Afro-Indigenous creatives, as well as dive into thought provoking questions, all related to the topic of Black/Afro-Indigeneity on Turtle Island.

For this first week, we will be exploring the ways in which Black and Indigenous people have been in solidarity throughout history. Featuring an interview with Nic Wayara of Hook or Crook Consulting co., we will dive into some conversation and imagining of ways that we can continue to show up for each other, transcending structures of lateral violence and colonial systems of oppression within and between Black and Indigenous communities. We hope you enjoy it!

Rebirth Party: A Youth Poet Anthology

Rebirth Party: A Youth Poet Anthology

Youth poets Meghan Romano, Alex Masse, Divyanshi Dash, Peace Akindate, Lu Godfrey and Hailey Orrange are some of the poets that have come together to form the new Flaming Balloon Collective. A youth poetry collective that wants to embrace self-love, forgiveness, queerness and healing through poetry.

Reading Practice: A Conversation with Furqan Mohamed

Reading Practice: A Conversation with Furqan Mohamed

I am, I think like any sane person, a Dionne Brand fan. I adore her word choices. I think that every time she speaks I learn something new[…]She’s so generous with her words and I feel that every time I put my pen down to paper or start writing on my keyboard, that I have to be as generous as she is. 

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Step back with Room into the past, to parents, to childhood homes, and to people once known and loved; dig into themes of grief and healing; and ultimately explore what it means to come full circle in literature.

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