
Interview with QueerofGender’s Lynx Sainte-Marie

Interview with QueerofGender’s Lynx Sainte-Marie

We talk to the founder of QueerofGender, Lynx Sainte-Marie about black history month, being a writer of colour, and more. ROOM: February is Black History Month, and we want to know, what does Black History Month mean to you and what do you want people to know about...

Freeing the Cage: Interview with Cover Artist Sandra Chevrier

Freeing the Cage: Interview with Cover Artist Sandra Chevrier

Room editor Lindsay Glauser Kwan asks Montreal-based artist Sandra Chevrier (cover of issue 37.3 "Geek Girls") a few questions about her work. Room editor Lindsay Glauser Kwan asks Sandra Chevrier, the cover artist of issue 37.3 "Geek Girls" a few questions about...

Interview with 2015 CNF Contest Judge Ayelet Tsabari

Interview with 2015 CNF Contest Judge Ayelet Tsabari

Samantha Rousseau interviewed Ayelet Tsabari, 2015 creative non-fiction contest judge and author of The Best Place on Earth. Deadline for submissions to Room's annual CNF contest is March 8, 2015. Samantha Rousseau interviewed Ayelet Tsabari, 2015 creative non-fiction...

Interview with 2015 CNF Contest Judge Ayelet Tsabari

Interview with 2015 CNF Contest Judge Ayelet Tsabari

Samantha Rousseau interviewed Ayelet Tsabari, 2015 creative non-fiction contest judge and author of The Best Place on Earth. Deadline for submissions to Room's annual CNF contest is March 8, 2015. Samantha Rousseau interviewed Ayelet Tsabari, 2015 creative non-fiction...

Interview with 2015 CNF Contest Judge Ayelet Tsabari

Interview with 2015 CNF Contest Judge Ayelet Tsabari

Samantha Rousseau interviewed Ayelet Tsabari, 2015 creative non-fiction contest judge and author of The Best Place on Earth. Deadline for submissions to Room's annual CNF contest is March 8, 2015. Samantha Rousseau interviewed Ayelet Tsabari, 2015 creative non-fiction...

Interview with 2015 CNF Contest Judge Ayelet Tsabari

Interview with 2015 CNF Contest Judge Ayelet Tsabari

Samantha Rousseau interviewed Ayelet Tsabari, 2015 creative non-fiction contest judge and author of The Best Place on Earth. Deadline for submissions to Room's annual CNF contest is March 8, 2015. Samantha Rousseau interviewed Ayelet Tsabari, 2015 creative non-fiction...

Interview with 2014 CNF Contest Winner Naoko Kumagai

Interview with 2014 CNF Contest Winner Naoko Kumagai

With the deadline for the 2015 creative non-fiction contest fast approaching, Lindsay Glauser Kwan spoke with last year's first place winner, Naoko Kumagai. With the deadline for the 2015 creative non-fiction contest fast approaching, Lindsay Glauser Kwan spoke with...

Interview with Trespass Editor Helen Polychronakos

Interview with Trespass Editor Helen Polychronakos

In this interview, Lindsay Glauser Kwan talked to Helen Polychronakos about what inspired the upcoming Trespass theme for issue 38.3 and what makes a good submission. In this interview, Lindsay Glauser Kwan talked to Helen Polychronakos about what inspired the...

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