
Unbound Community Care: Hope Lauterbach

Unbound Community Care: Hope Lauterbach

Unbound is a growing collective that celebrates and nurtures Black creative voices. Founded in 2020, the Unbound Reading Series is an annual reading event that features emerging and established Black authors and poets. Unbound also provides a monthly virtual drop-in...

An Interview with Upcoming Commissioned Author, Sydney Hegele

An Interview with Upcoming Commissioned Author, Sydney Hegele

All hands are on deck working on Issue 46.2 of Room! Send in your submission by October 15th to be considered for publication alongside our 2022 contest winners and commissioned writer Sydney Hegele, who is the author of the short story collection The Pump. Sydney joined us via Zoom to talk about finding your descriptive style, the resonance of the weird, and forging queer futures.

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Join Room in a deep dive on the body: touch and isolation, trans and queer embodiment, fat liberation, chronic illness and disability, brutality, sensuality, and other meditations on the bones and muscles you inhabit every day.

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