Interview with Amanda Sun

Meet Amanda Sun, former Room collective member and author of the young adult series Paper Gods.

Meet Amanda Sun, former Room collective member and author of the young adult series Paper Gods (

ROOM: What are you reading right now?

AMANDA SUN: I’m reading Drowned by Nichola Reilly, about a future world that is almost entirely under water.

ROOM: What books have you read that inspired you the most? Is there one that has changed your life and outlook?

AMANDA SUN: Growing up, I was very inspired by Jane Yolen, particularly her Pit Dragon Trilogy. Yolen was a strong female voice in the fantasy landscape, and she lit the way as I developed my own voice. Another inspiration is Hiromi Goto, a Japanese Canadian whose cinematic narratives reinforce what Yolen taught me—that there are strong and wonderful women writing in the field of fantasy and magical realism.

ROOM: You’re a writer. Tell us a little about Paper Gods.

AMANDA SUN: When Canadian-American Katie Greene moves to Japan, she crosses paths with Tomohiro, an arrogant kendo champ whose drawings come to life in sinister ways. Together, they find themselves on the run from both the yakuza and the ancient kami power his drawings awaken.

ROOM: Any “geeky” book recommendations?

AMANDA SUN: Hiromi Goto’s Half Wolf and Darkest Light, which are cinematic and delicious reads for Studio Ghibli or Japanese animation fans.

ROOM: What do you think it means to be a “geek”?

AMANDA SUN:  The core of being a geek is professing a deep enthusiasm for your interests. Whether it’s cosplay, gaming or reading, geeks can devote themselves wholly without concern of the mainstream’s approval. Go ahead and love that thing you love! Being a geek is freedom and happiness without judgement.


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