Fiction Contest 2024: The Longlist

We are so thrilled to announce the longlist for our 2024 Fiction Contest! A big thank you to our Room collective members for selecting our longlist. These submissions will now be reviewed by this year’s judge, Sarah Bernstein. A big congratulations to these talented writers!


Room Magazine’s 2024 Fiction Contest Longlist

Sad Robot, by Camie Kim

We, Fleeting, by Jody Chan

Apple Cake, by Aleksandra Merk

Year of the Tiger, by Sammi Wang

Stay, by Petra Chambers

Motherhood (or, The Stranger and the Cave), by Shelby Satterthwaite

L’oisive, by Sarah Lotfi

Eat Your Heart, by Megan Callahan

Grief, by Jaclyn Desforges

Five Beds, by Banuta Rubess

The Waitress, by Nicole Sellew

The Light at Tunnel Mountain, by Becky Slate-Liu

Cradle Songs for Restless Sleepers, by Cassidy Menard


Thank you to every writer who trusted us with their writing. To all those who submitted their work: it takes courage to put your writing forward for scrutiny, and we encourage you to keep at your craft, longlisted or not.

The shortlist (and winners!) chosen by Sarah Bernstein will be available in coming days, so be sure to keep an eye on our website! If you’d like to try your hand at entering a Room contest, the 2023 Creative Non-Fiction Contest is open and awaiting your submissions!

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