
Our Top Posts of 2016

Our Top Posts of 2016

2016 may have sucked, but on the bright side, it inspired some incredible writing (see #3 on this list). Last year we shared our top 15 most-read posts of 2015, and I thought I'd continue the trend—and so, here are the ten most-read posts on roommagazine.com in 2016....

“Does Genre Really Matter?”

“Does Genre Really Matter?”

With the deadline for Room’s Short Forms contest less than two months away (closing on January 15, 2017), Mica Lemiski discusses genre-bending writing and what it means to step outside literary conventions, using Maggie Nelson and Amber Dawn as examples. With the...

Rooftop Reading Series: Roomie Edition November 18, 2016

Rooftop Reading Series: Roomie Edition November 18, 2016

We've had so much fun with all you fine folks the last two months, that we just want to keep all this rooftop revelry going . . . so join us on November 18th for a Roomie edition of the Rooftop Reading Series! We've had so much fun with all you fine folks the last two...

10 Picture Books Written by Canadian Women of Colour

10 Picture Books Written by Canadian Women of Colour

I am so pleased to have been given the chance to write this post for Room about some of the talented women behind Canadian picturebooks. Most of my academic and non-academic pursuits revolve around children’s literature, but it’s not often that I get to focus on...

Chow by Janice Wong

Chow by Janice Wong

We are getting so excited and inspired (and hungry) watching your submissions roll in for our upcoming Food issue! In the spirit of the food theme, we put together this collection of Roomies’ favourite cookbooks for writers. These books all feature recipes, but also...

Room at AWP Conference in L.A.

Room at AWP Conference in L.A.

Come find us at the AWP Conference in Los Angeles March 30–April 2. Say "hi" at our booth, or drop by for our book (or magazine) signings with Ayelet Tsabari and Doretta Lau. If you're going to the AWP Conference held in Los Angeles (March 30–April 2) this year, drop...

Celebrate International Women’s Day with Room

Celebrate International Women’s Day with Room

Come celebrate International Women’s Day with Room at the beautiful Joy Kogawa House in South Vancouver. Come celebrate International Women’s Day with Room at the beautiful Joy Kogawa House in South Vancouver. We’ll be launching Room issue 38.4, Fieldwork. The...

Our Top Posts of 2015

Our Top Posts of 2015

Aboriginal women writers, feminist films, great fiction, poetry, and CNF, interviews with authors and more... Aboriginal women writers, feminist films, great fiction and CNF, and interviews with authors and editors were popular reads on our website this year. Check...

Room Cancels Optional Submission Fees

At our AGM in early November, the 20 volunteer editorial board and staff members who govern Room decided to scrap the submission fee introduced ten months ago. Dear Writers:At our AGM in early November, the 20 volunteer editorial board and staff members who govern...

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In times of crisis, we laugh to offer tenderness, to ward off despair— so we can be brave. Gather round ROOM 48.1 WITS END and let humour be a mirror held up to the state of the world as we continue to resist.

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Step back with Room into the past, to parents, to childhood homes, and to people once known and loved; dig into themes of grief and healing; and ultimately explore what it means to come full circle in literature.

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