Congratulations to the Winners of our Annual Cover Art Contest 2016!

The results are in. Congratulations to the three winners of Room‘s Cover Art Contest 2016! Thank you to our judges, Hangama Amiri, and Jillian Tamaki, for being generous with their time and expertise, and to every artist who shared with us their work. The annual contest will open again in September.

Room‘s Annual Cover Art Contest 2016: The Winners

First place: Attachment by Amanda Rhodenizer, Waterloo, O.N.. Amanda will receive $500 and Attachment will appear on the cover of Room 40.2
Second place: Two for Tea by Tanya Lyons, Killaloe, O.N.. Tanya wins $50, and Two for Tea will be published inside Room 40.2
Honourable mention: Metamorphosis by Slavka Kolesar, Jaffray, B.C.. (Slavka is also responsible for the artwork on our Growing Room Festival 2017 promotional materials!)

Thank you to everyone who entered. In the meantime, check out our upcoming “Words and Pictures” event, where five artists will be sharing their experience of moving between literary and visual worlds, and how artists can get their feet wet in other art forms, at the Growing Room Festival. Free registration.


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Step back with Room into the past, to parents, to childhood homes, and to people once known and loved; dig into themes of grief and healing; and ultimately explore what it means to come full circle in literature.

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