Call for Submissions: Open Issue 45.4

Room Magazine invites unpublished writing on any theme for our open issue 45.4, edited by Micah Killjoy, alongside Assistant Editor, Ruchika Gothoskar and Shadow Editors, Stacy Gardner and Kaiya Jacob. Send us your contemplative essays, dark poetry, strange fiction, purely wholesome content, and everything in-between.

Before submitting, please read our About section to see if your work fits within Room’s mandate, then refer to the Submission Guidelines on how to format your work. We are an international feminist magazine, and encourage writing and art submitted to us from all over the world.

Underrepresented writers—including but not exclusive to women (cis and trans), trans men, Two Spirit and non-binary writers who are Black, Indigenous, people of colour, queer, and/or disabled—are particularly encouraged to submit.

Deadline: April 30, 2022

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Join Room in a deep dive on the body: touch and isolation, trans and queer embodiment, fat liberation, chronic illness and disability, brutality, sensuality, and other meditations on the bones and muscles you inhabit every day.

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