Artist Spotlight: Divya Kaur Photography

Divya Kaur Photography is the work of Divya Kaur, a queer neurodivergent punjabi artist living in diaspora on the stolen territory of the Semiahmoo, Katzie, Kwikwetlem, Kwantlen, Qayqayt and Tsawwassen First Nations, colonially known as Surrey BC. In her photography, she specializes in surreal double exposure work performed in camera on 35mm film, and left un-edited. One of her primary goals in taking this approach is to challenge the culture of white mediocrity in the local photography scene. She also offers portrait sessions through a low-barrier, trauma-informed practice, in an attempt to help folks in her community feel affirmed by photographing them the way they want to be represented. Divya’s had the privilege of having her art featured in IGNITE!, VQFF, HAWC, and the homes of her supportive friends.

Divya Kaur Photography was intended to appear at the 2020 Growing Room Literary and Arts Festival as a part of our first ever festival marketplace. Instead, we’re happy to celebrate and platform Divya’s storytelling through photographs here. Divya can be booked through her instagram @soft.kaur.

You can continue to support and celebrate the rest of our Growing Room artists by ordering issue 44.1 Growing Room online, and watch this space as we share more content from contributors to the Growing Room 44.1 issue all throughout the month of March.

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