Poetry Contest 2022: The Shortlist

We’re just as excited as you are: the 2022 Poetry Contest Shortlist is here! A big thank you to our esteemed judge, Lillian Allen, for her time, effort, and careful consideration of submissions. Congrats to these poets!

Room Magazine’s 2022 Poetry Contest Shortlist

Viewer Commiseration is Contrived, by Vironika Wilde

Voice like Birdsong, by Jade Riordan

There Are No Streets Named Marie, by Jennifer Adese

the withholding map, by Dora Prieto

Beginning to End, by Emily Cann

Getting to Voice, by Kate Marshall Flaherty

Barkerville Cemetery, by Heather Cameron

Mining for the Metropole, by Anna Lee-Popham

As always, a huge thank you to all who submitted to our contest, and to those on our longlist. We so appreciate you sending in your work, and hope to see more of your writing in the future. The winners will be announced next week, so keep an eye on our website! In the meantime, our 2022 Cover Art Contest has just opened, and is eager for all your stunning photos, collages, drawings, sketches, and anything else you can dream up.

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