BC Volunteer of the Year Award

BC Association of Magazine Publishers press release – May 28, 2007

The BC Association of Magazine Publishers (BCAMP) is happy to announce that Lisa Manfield has been chosen as B.C. Volunteer of the Year Award. Lisa has contributed enormously to the Canadian magazine industry through her volunteer editorial and operational work with Room magazine, her work with future writers and publishers, and her many years of dedicated service on the boards of directors of both Vancouver’s Word on the Street and BCAMP. Lisa was chosen as the most deserving nominee out of several received from the B.C.-published magazines. The final decision was made by Brian Kaufman, editor of subTerrain and one of the founders of BCAMP.

Lisa’s publishing career began at Realm magazine in the late 1990s. She has been a contributing editor with Backbone, and she now works as a marketing consultant to publishers, a freelance writer with several trade magazines, an editor with suite101.com, and as associate editor at CGA Magazine. Lisa is also the longest-serving member of the volunteer collective, which manages Room, Canada’s oldest feminist literary journal.

Lisa has given countless hours to Room as an editor, organizer and fundraiser. She recently helped guide its collective through significant organizational changes and a major re-branding, and she lead the editorial team for many issues, including its 30th anniversary release. She also manages the magazine’s grant writing, fundraising and human resources. On behalf of Room, Lisa contributes to the future of the industry by volunteering her time to speak to writing groups, schools, and event audiences about the importance of Canadian magazines.

Lisa’s experience and knowledge of both the cultural and business sides of magazine publishing has been extremely valuable in her past work on the board of The Word on the Street and her ongoing work on the BCAMP board, where she sits as vice-president. She is also the current chair of BCAMP’s Professional Development committee, where she leads discussions on the programming for Camp BCAMP and Magazines West, and represents the organization at events in other Canadian cities.

The B.C. and the Canadian magazine industry has greatly benefited from Lisa’s dedication, energy, and willingness to commit her time and experience. We are thrilled to be able to thank her for her efforts with this award.

I’d like to thank everyone who nominated me for this award; I am truly honoured to receive it. This industry is fuelled by the volunteers whose passion for publishing propels them — and their publications — forward, and I am thrilled to have been a part of it for the last decade. It is more than a labour of love; it is a desire to ensure that there continues to be room for new voices, creativity and self-expression in the Canadian media spectrum. Every single volunteer on the Room board should be recognized for the enormous number of hours they devote to seeing that this publication does what it can to promote and encourage Canadian literary talent. I am lucky to be part of such a wonderful group of publishing professionals and I accept the award on behalf of all of my fellow volunteers. To us!
— Lisa Manfield


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