Poetry Contest 2023: The Shortlist

We are so excited to announce the 2023 Poetry Contest shortlist! Many thanks, again, to all those who entered, and to our wonderful judge, John Elizabeth Stintzi, for their careful consideration with the longlisted works. Congratulations to these five writers!


Room Magazine’s 2023 Poetry Contest: The Shortlist

What should be safe, by Livia Meneghin

Public display of affection, by Puma Simone

Sorry I Couldn’t Come to Your Baby Shower But, by Megan Morrison

I don’t believe in god but I do believe we should, by Alanna Schwartz

Hold Until Safe, by Elizabeth O’Connell-Thompson


 The list of winners will be coming your way shortly, so keep your eyes peeled. Another big congrats to these poets!


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“Maple keys are built by nature like helicopter blades, which allows them to propel as far as possible from the mother maple… In these pages, we see the brave, touching, true ways we, too, must embrace the fear and the excitement that comes with leaving where we are rooted.”

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