Poetry Contest
Poetry Contest 2024: The Shortlist

Poetry Contest 2024: The Shortlist

It’s finally here! Congrats to the following poets whose works were shortlisted by our judge, Rafeef Ziadah, for our 2024 Poetry Contest! ----- Room Magazine’s 2024 Poetry Contest Shortlist Processions of the Small, by Heather Simeney MacLeod daughters of palestine’s...

Poetry Contest 2024: The Longlist

Poetry Contest 2024: The Longlist

Our long awaited 2024 Poetry Contest longlist has arrived! A big thank you to our Room collective members for their time and care in creating this longlist. These submissions will now be reviewed by this year’s judge, Rafeef Ziadah. A big congratulations to these...

Poetry Contest 2022: The Shortlist

Poetry Contest 2022: The Shortlist

We're just as excited as you are: the 2022 Poetry Contest Shortlist is here! A big thank you to our esteemed judge, Lillian Allen, for her time, effort, and careful consideration of submissions. Congrats to these poets! --- Room Magazine’s 2022 Poetry Contest...

Poetry Contest 2021: The Shortlist

Poetry Contest 2021: The Shortlist

It was a tough decision to make, but here they are, the five poems (and poets) that made the shortlist for our 2021 Poetry Contest. A big thank you to our wonderful judge, Kama La Mackerel, who had the difficult job of whittling down a longlist of incredible poetry....

Poetry Contest 2021: The Longlist

Poetry Contest 2021: The Longlist

It's finally here: the longlist for our 2021 Poetry Contest. Many thanks to all our readers, and to those who submitted their work. Congratulations to these talented poets! ---- non-consensual, by Eva Wissting Last night in my mother's house, still a maiden, by Zoe...