Short Forms Contest 2021: The Longlist

You’ve waited long enough. Here is the longlist for our 2021 Short Forms Contest! Congratulations to the following twelve writers!

Room‘s 2021 Short Forms Contest: The Longlist 

Lou, by Rose Camara
Body, by Jaki Eisman
It’s All About Agency; Self-Portrait at Twenty, by Nora-Lynn Veevers
Half-Life, by Makda Mulatu
She Is Dancing, by Michelle Contant
Lost and Found, by Mandy Koolen
Ghosts, by Catherine Bush
Land of Fire, by Catherine Bush
Learning to Pass, by Sara Graefe
Music Box, by Marilee Dahlman
Slipped, by Susan Motyka
Binary Fission, by Elisabeth Shenher
Gymnast, 12, by CB Anderson

Thank you to every writer who trusted our readers and our judge, Michelle Good, with their beautiful and brief works. Room’s Short Form Contest will open again in September 2022. Keep an eye out for our shortlist and winners announcement, coming soon!

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