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Room Magazine issues

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Cover of ROOM issue 46.2, Ley Line. Making Space in Literature, Art, and Feminism Since 1975. Featuring: New Fiction by Sydney Hegele and an interview with Tiffany Morris. Visual art depicting sheet ghosts depicted in block lines, some half running left and half running right, multiplied in a long line leading far into the back of the image. The sheets are white and the ghosts have brown arms and green and black hats.

ROOM 47.1 Utopia

Editor: Micah Killjoy
Augur Magazine Guest Editors: Kerry C. Byrne, Conyer Clayton, Toria Liao, Nara Monteiro, Terese Mason Pierre, Kelley Tai, Yilin Wang
Cover Art: Gi’nujing “Pride” by Julia Rose Sutherland

Join Room and Augur Magazine in our wanderings through dozens of different conceptions of utopia: as romantic love, as Indigenous being, as queer existence, as relationship with nature, as grief, as disability rights, as the reclamation of the past and the naming of its injustices, as friendship, as unrepentant care. Featuring new poetry by Larissa Lai and an interview with Whitney French.

Cover of ROOM issue 46.2, Ley Line. Making Space in Literature, Art, and Feminism Since 1975. Featuring: New Fiction by Sydney Hegele and an interview with Tiffany Morris. Visual art depicting sheet ghosts depicted in block lines, some half running left and half running right, multiplied in a long line leading far into the back of the image. The sheets are white and the ghosts have brown arms and green and black hats.

ROOM 46.4 Fever Dream

From nightmares of forests, birds, compulsions, and the otherworldly, to dreams that bring the comfort of our ancestors, slip into the unconscious with us in Fever Dream. Featuring new fiction by Ainslie Hogarth and an interview with Janika Oza.

Illustration by Paige Jung of five Asian faces of various ages and skin colours. All are wearing bright clothes and have sombre expressions.

ROOM 46.3 Ghosts

A collection of folkloric poems, rattling encounters, haunting fiction, and spirited words. Featuring a new story by Aviaq Johnston and an interview with Manahil Bandukwala.

A variety of recent issues of Room Magazine laid out diagonally

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