Poetry Contest 2021: The Longlist

It’s finally here: the longlist for our 2021 Poetry Contest. Many thanks to all our readers, and to those who submitted their work. Congratulations to these talented poets!


non-consensual, by Eva Wissting

Last night in my mother’s house, still a maiden, by Zoe Greenberg

an epiphany/psychotic episode, by Moni Brar 

Silent Lake and Pretty Palimpsests, by Margo LaPierre 

Unlikely Scenarios, by Tania De Rozario 

Escarpment, by Maria Ford 

Reincarnation, by Paula Stevens 

This Sum is Ill, by Angela May 

Arranged, by Poonam Dhir 

I’m a fucking Libra, by Lanika Yule 

On Carl Beam’s The Whale of Our Being, by Cara Goodwin 

mama bodyguards chicken, by Debora Anthonypillai 

Ribsong, by Gwendolen Aube 

another girl, by Nayana Suchak 

the neighbourhood, by Samantha Martin-Bird 

An Ode to the CEO, by K.R. Segriff 

Map of Skin, by Lu Godfrey 

Everest, by Chrissy Martin 

the whale, by Michelle De Agostini


Thank you to every writer who trusted us and our judge, Kama La Mackerel, with their poems. The shortlist and winners will be announced in the coming weeks, so keep an eye on the website! In the meantime, our 2021 Cover Art Contest is still accepting submissions.

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Step back with Room into the past, to parents, to childhood homes, and to people once known and loved; dig into themes of grief and healing; and ultimately explore what it means to come full circle in literature.

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