
Plasticnic and Plasticpoems by Fiona Tinwei Lam

Plasticnic and Plasticpoems by Fiona Tinwei Lam

Below are short, animated poems created by Fiona Tinwei Lam in collaboration with Vancouver animators Tisha Deb Pillai and Nhat Truong. These short, plastic-pollution-themed video poems were intended to be screened at the 2020 Growing Room Literary & Arts...

Meeting Jibreel

Meeting Jibreel

“Meeting Jibreel” is the honourable mention for Room’s Poetry Contest 2020, as selected by judge Canisia Lubrin. In my Quranic primer of short, & long, verses I scrawled in the margins with metallic ink. I learned the name of an angel, as my body Shaped a conduit...

Lorna Goodison: Four Poems

Lorna Goodison: Four Poems

Whale Dreams I Wet basalt back of whale passing one hundred feet from the deck, makes me call you to run come from front gate to the sea side to watch this great token made manifest in the glassy March sea. I kneel down on these rocks astonished at the sight of...



Galaxies After Plath’s “Lady Lazarus” Ladies and gentlemen, please. Thank you, thank you—yes, the magic tonight was real. The trick, this time, is mine. No magician can saw me in half—without bunny or top hat or spell cast, I have simply vanished. Call me the first...

The Fatigue (Issue 43.2 Sneak Peek Content)

The Fatigue (Issue 43.2 Sneak Peek Content)

To celebrate the publication of issue 43.2 Devour, Room would like to share a poem from one of our issue contributors, Eli Tareq El Bechelany-Lynch. You can read "The Fatigue" in print, as well as two more of Eli's brilliant poems, by ordering the issue online. The...

Dead spider frozen in ice are you dead.

Dead spider frozen in ice are you dead.

“Dead spider frozen in ice are you dead.” is the honourable mention for Room’s Poetry Contest 2019 as selected by judge Pamela Mordecai. Dead spider frozen in ice are you dead. If I melt you will you wake up again and give us all polio. Is polio even that bad. You are...

the seven sacred ways of healing

the seven sacred ways of healing

/let it out/ they tear through my rawing throat, saliva & blood bubbling out /let it out/ they tear through my rawing throat, saliva & blood bubbling out wild prairie fire cacophony. /don’t ask why/ /let it out/ her hand presses deep into my chest, pinpointed...

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In times of crisis, we laugh to offer tenderness, to ward off despair— so we can be brave. Gather round ROOM 48.1 WITS END and let humour be a mirror held up to the state of the world as we continue to resist.

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Step back with Room into the past, to parents, to childhood homes, and to people once known and loved; dig into themes of grief and healing; and ultimately explore what it means to come full circle in literature.

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