Reading Room

Review of brat

Review of brat

brat By Sophie Crocker Gordon Hill Press 76 pages, $20  Mythic, chaotic, and fiercely funny, Sophie Crocker’s brat is an anthology of lovers and creatures, intimate self-portraits, and candid observations about life and the world. From rat kings, riot dogs, and...

Review of Pacifique

Review of Pacifique

Pacifique By Sarah L. Taggart Coach House Books 224 pages, $24  Where does the truth lie when the stigma of madness casts doubts on a story? In Sarah L. Taggart’s debut novel Pacifique, Taggart examines love, but more importantly, the complexities of mental illness...

Review of Thick Skin by Hilary Peach

Review of Thick Skin by Hilary Peach

Thick Skin: Field Notes from a Sister in the Brotherhood By Hilary Peach Anvil Press 314 pages, $22.00 Tender-hearted, unflinching, and clever, Thick Skin: Field Notes from a Sister in the Brotherhood explores poet Hillary Peach’s twenty-year career as a transient...

This Time It’s Personal: An Excerpt from 2023 Creative Non-Fiction Judge Tajja Isen

This Time It’s Personal: An Excerpt from 2023 Creative Non-Fiction Judge Tajja Isen

Our 2023 Creative Non-Fiction Contest is judged by Tajja Isen! A writer, editor, and voice actor, Tajja Isen’s first book, Some of My Best Friends: Essays on Lip Service, was published in 2022 and was named a Best Book of the Year by Electric Literature, The Globe and Mail, CBC Books, and Daily Hive. Whether you’re looking for inspiration or a good read, enjoy this short excerpt from Isen’s Some of My Best Friends: Essays on Lip Service!

Review of CONDOLADY by Elisabeth Belliveau

Review of CONDOLADY by Elisabeth Belliveau

CONDOLADY By Elisabeth Belliveau Conundrum Press 112 pages, $10 Elisabeth Belliveau’s CONDOLADY is a pocket-sized graphic story that follows her life of social distancing for two years in a 680 square foot condo in Edmonton. Belliveau uses soft grey-scale hues to...

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Step back with Room into the past, to parents, to childhood homes, and to people once known and loved; dig into themes of grief and healing; and ultimately explore what it means to come full circle in literature.

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