Reading Room

Seasons Change

Seasons Change

“Seasons Change” is the Third Place winner for Room’s 2023 Fiction Contest. Of this piece, judge Heather O'Neill writes: "This story was so elegant and perfect. There was not a spare word. In this small story, a relationship between a man and woman is explored in a...

Review of Ruby Red Skies by Taslim Burkowicz

Review of Ruby Red Skies by Taslim Burkowicz

Ruby Red Skies By Taslim Burkowicz Roseway Publishing 364 Pages, $24.00 In Ruby Red Skies, Taslim Burkowicz’s third novel, the destinies of Ruby and Rubina—two women separated by four centuries of history but united by an eternal quest for love and...

Review of Trailer Park Shakes

Review of Trailer Park Shakes

Trailer Park Shakes By Justene Dion-Glowa Brick Books 96 pages, $24  Justene Dion-Glowa’s first full-length poetry book, Trailer Park Shakes, considers how one finds strength in grieving a lifetime of injustice, poverty, trauma, family violence, and the loss of a...

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Step back with Room into the past, to parents, to childhood homes, and to people once known and loved; dig into themes of grief and healing; and ultimately explore what it means to come full circle in literature.

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