Reading Room

Dead spider frozen in ice are you dead.

Dead spider frozen in ice are you dead.

“Dead spider frozen in ice are you dead.” is the honourable mention for Room’s Poetry Contest 2019 as selected by judge Pamela Mordecai. Dead spider frozen in ice are you dead. If I melt you will you wake up again and give us all polio. Is polio even that bad. You are...

Poetry Contest 2019: The Longlist

Poetry Contest 2019: The Longlist

Photo credit: Carissa D'andradeYou've waited long enough. Here are the fourteen longlisted poems from our 2019 Poetry Contest!Room's 2019 Poetry Contest: The Longlist“Against Tyrannical Lines” by Steffi Tad-y“Arktos / Exóriotos” by kerry rawlinson“Courage” by Katie...

Dazzle Camouflage

Dazzle Camouflage

“Dazzle Camouflage” is the honourable mention for Room's Creative Non-Fiction Contest 2019. Here's what the judge, Terese Marie Mailhot, has to say about the essay: “‘Dazzle Camouflage’ was full of beautiful language and the depth of the work was wonderful to sit...

Poetry Contest 2019: The Longlist

Creative Non-Fiction Contest 2019: The Winners!

Congratulations to the following three writers, whose essays have been selected by our esteembed judge, Terese Marie Mailhot, as the winners and honourable mention for our 2019 Creative Non-Fiction Contest! Photo credit: Carissa D'andradeCongratulations to the...

the seven sacred ways of healing

the seven sacred ways of healing

/let it out/ they tear through my rawing throat, saliva & blood bubbling out /let it out/ they tear through my rawing throat, saliva & blood bubbling out wild prairie fire cacophony. /don’t ask why/ /let it out/ her hand presses deep into my chest, pinpointed...



A gargoyle sits at the end of my garden, a plastic resin Mother’s Day present, wrapped with charms of love and my children’s perspicacity. Her name is Marthe and her job is protection. Most of all, she is to guard me and mine from the dragon. A gargoyle sits at the...

Pieces of Me

Pieces of Me

“Pieces of Me” is the honourable mention of Room’s 2019 Fiction Contest as selected by judge Catherine Hernandez. I woke up one morning to bigger breasts. I’m not talking triangle pointies from puberty (which hit well over a decade ago), a few extra pounds from the...

Congratulations to the Winners of our Fiction Contest 2019!

Fiction Contest 2019: The Shortlist

After much careful deliberation by our judge, Catherine Hernandez, author of award-winning Scarborough and and the forthcoming I Promise, the shortlist is finally here. Congratulations to the three writers, whose short stories were handpicked by our judge! After much...

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In times of crisis, we laugh to offer tenderness, to ward off despair— so we can be brave. Gather round ROOM 48.1 WITS END and let humour be a mirror held up to the state of the world as we continue to resist.

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Step back with Room into the past, to parents, to childhood homes, and to people once known and loved; dig into themes of grief and healing; and ultimately explore what it means to come full circle in literature.

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