Reading Room

an epiphany/psychotic episode

an epiphany/psychotic episode

an epiphany/psychotic episode is the honourable mention for Room’s 2021 Poetry Contest, as judged by Kama La Mackerel. You can find the full list of winners, and what judge Kama La Mackerel had to say about each winning piece, here. ----- an epiphany/psychotic episode...

Poetry Contest 2021: The Shortlist

Poetry Contest 2021: The Shortlist

It was a tough decision to make, but here they are, the five poems (and poets) that made the shortlist for our 2021 Poetry Contest. A big thank you to our wonderful judge, Kama La Mackerel, who had the difficult job of whittling down a longlist of incredible poetry....

Poetry Contest 2021: The Shortlist

Poetry Contest 2021: The Longlist

It's finally here: the longlist for our 2021 Poetry Contest. Many thanks to all our readers, and to those who submitted their work. Congratulations to these talented poets! ---- non-consensual, by Eva Wissting Last night in my mother's house, still a maiden, by Zoe...



full of saskatoon berries sage-smoke & yarrow wild columbine & aster


where the trees grow crooked

by swift-flowing rivers

& grassy hills where bu alo used to jump

Tainna: The Unseen Ones

Tainna: The Unseen Ones

Tainna, pronounced Da-e-nn-a, features five stories that centre Inuk characters living in the Canadian South. Dunning’s tone throughout the book is candid and colloquial. However, since Tainna is a series of short stories, each story uses a slightly different voice, and that’s where we see the elegance in Dunning’s craft as a writer. 

I Can Feel Him Breathing

I Can Feel Him Breathing

I Can Feel Him Breathing is the honourable mention for the 2021 Creative Non-Fiction Contest, as selected by Judge Dr. Njoki Wane. _____________   In the morning I stand in front of the bedroom closet, half-dressed, wrestling with the sliding door. The door won’t...

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In times of crisis, we laugh to offer tenderness, to ward off despair— so we can be brave. Gather round ROOM 48.1 WITS END and let humour be a mirror held up to the state of the world as we continue to resist.

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Step back with Room into the past, to parents, to childhood homes, and to people once known and loved; dig into themes of grief and healing; and ultimately explore what it means to come full circle in literature.

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