Reading Room

Indigenous Authors to Add to Your Reading List

Indigenous Authors to Add to Your Reading List

June is National Indigenous History Month, and June 21st is Indigenous Peoples Day. At the end of the month and ahead of #CancelCanadaDay on July 1st, we'd like to take some time to highlight some of our collective's favourite Indigenous authors and their works! We...

Review of This is My Real Name: A Stripper’s Memoir

Review of This is My Real Name: A Stripper’s Memoir

Cid V. Brunet’s debut memoir, This Is My Real Name: A Stripper’s Memoir, is a loving, vengeful lament to sex work, based on the ten years Brunet worked as a stripper across Canada under the name Michelle. Anarchist and self-described “queer separatist,” Brunet reconstructs their experiences as Michelle with a precise, devastating eye, offering both the grime and glitter of the industry with the same restrained lyricism. 

Fiction Contest 2022: The Winners

Fiction Contest 2022: The Winners

The results are finally here! Here are the three winning fiction pieces as selected by our esteemed judge, Shashi Bhat. A major congrats to these three writers! ---   Room Magazine’s 2022 Fiction Contest Winners First Place: Mermaid’s Tears, by Hannah Brown...

Transcendent Expectation

Transcendent Expectation

“Transcendent Expectation” is the Third Place winner for Room’s 2022 Fiction Contest. Of this piece, judge Shashi Bhat writes: "Transcendent Expectation is a story about a modest prayer on a family road trip, felt deeply by its young protagonist. This piece is...

Review of Narinjah: The Bitter Orange Tree

Review of Narinjah: The Bitter Orange Tree

Alharthi’s work is careful and honest, written with respect for this grandmother character and the familial gravitas she represents. While the readers may feel a tinge of sadness for Bint Aamir and the life she could have lived, there is solace in knowing Zohour’s carries on.

We Climbed Up Glaciers

We Climbed Up Glaciers

Houses have smells, everyone knows that— mine is musty, mothballs and soup. This house has high arches and walls of windows and paintings of mountains, but its smell is like a new car. Aluminum, and cleaning fluid. Lonely like a showroom. Our girlish voices echo in the gallery.

Fiction Contest 2022: The Shortlist

Fiction Contest 2022: The Shortlist

It's finally here! Congrats to the following six writers who were shortlisted by our judge, Shashi Bhat, for our 2022 Fiction Contest! ------ Room Magazine's 2022 Fiction Contest Shortlist Fuzzy Peaches, by Kelly Pedro Mermaid’s Tears, by Hannah Brown  The Mother...

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Step back with Room into the past, to parents, to childhood homes, and to people once known and loved; dig into themes of grief and healing; and ultimately explore what it means to come full circle in literature.

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