Reading Room

Review of Slow Reveal by Melanie Mitzner

Review of Slow Reveal by Melanie Mitzner

Slow Reveal By Melanie Mitzner Inanna Publications 304 pages, $22.95 Melanie Mitzner’s ambitious novel, Slow Reveal, grapples with questions of desire, intimacy, and the intrinsic human drive to create art through the unraveling of a dysfunctional, wealthy family of...

Poetry Contest 2022: The Longlist

Poetry Contest 2022: The Longlist

We are thrilled to announce the longlist for our 2022 Poetry Contest! A big thank you to our Room collective members, and a big congratulations to these talented poets! ---- Room Magazine’s 2022 Poetry Contest Longlist Viewer Commiseration is Contrived, by Vironika...

Review of The Bear Woman in Translation

Review of The Bear Woman in Translation

How had Marguerite ended up on that phantom island, the Île des Démons, crawling inside a dark cave surrounded by wild wolverines and hungry, snarling bears? What scandalous affair aboard the ship had led to her abandonment? These insatiable curiosities fill the writer’s mind, and she is swept away in research, trying to escape her own time by imagining life in the 16th century. 

Review of Beast at Every Threshold

Review of Beast at Every Threshold

Poems in Beast at Every Threshold attempt both: the consumption of media and narratives is a process of looking for reflections of the self in another, while to “fluent” is to, in a way, translate between languages of love and touch.

The Tower Will Not Hold

The Tower Will Not Hold

The Tower Will Not Hold is the third place winner for the 2022 Creative Non-Fiction Contest, as selected by Judge Luna Ferguson. ----   I’m sitting on the rooftop of Venice Suites, enjoying a view of the hot sand, the slate-coloured water, the skinny palm trees,...

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Step back with Room into the past, to parents, to childhood homes, and to people once known and loved; dig into themes of grief and healing; and ultimately explore what it means to come full circle in literature.

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