Mental Lacuna

Lakshmi Gill

Where are the words I devoured
The English hoard I treasured
inside this body soon to be

Where are the words I devoured
The English hoard I treasured
inside this body soon to be

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^and the mind

In my youth I^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
the synaesthesia of life

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^now worn and torn

Where are the words I created

tactile terror^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^textual silence

^^^^^^^^now hungry and ^^^^^gry

Lakshmi Gill lives in Delta, B.C. Some works: Novena to St. Jude Thaddeus (Fiddlehead Press, 1979), The Third Infinitive (TSAR, 1993), Returning the Empties, New and Selected Poems: 1960s to 1990s (TSAR, 1998), and anthologies and literary magazines in Canada, U.S., Ireland, Australia, India, Macau, Hong Kong, and the Philippines.

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