Indigenous Authors to Add to Your Reading List

June is National Indigenous History Month, and June 21st is Indigenous Peoples Day. At the end of the month and ahead of #CancelCanadaDay on July 1st, we’d like to take some time to highlight some of our collective’s favourite Indigenous authors and their works! We hope that this list will help you not only freshen up your pile of to-read books, but also allow you to uplift and support Indigenous stories and craft beyond a single month or day.

This reading list includes of some of our collective’s favourite Indigenous women, Two Spirit, and Indigiqueer writers, but is not comprehensive by any means – simply a way for us to share some of our favourite Indigenous writers, poets, and artists with you in hopes that this will encourage you to discover your own favourites. We hope you buy these works from your favourite local bookstore, or, even better, order online or shop in store with Indigenous-owned bookstore Massy Books or Iron Dog Books!

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