The Air Itself is One Vast Library

Jessica Lee McMillan

“The Air Itself is One Vast Library” is the Third Place Winner of Room’s 2024 Poetry Contest, as judged by Rafeef Ziadah. You can find the full list of winners, and what Rafeef had to say about each winning piece, here.



…on whose pages are forever written all that man has ever said or woman whispered. -Charles Babbage



the air rushes inside

my chest but my lungs cannot

fully                                                 exhale.

they weigh

the chaos of oxygen and                  CO2.


in asthmatic pause

I read the atmosphere, wheeze on   stuck words,

carcinogenic and sweet

whisked inside me.


my chest is a temple of                    incense

shimmering sound, a repository of  speech

once polluted with           cigarette  plumes

and fumes of drunken      words

—now tempered

by wildfire                                       ash.


leaden weight of                              alphabets

—idioms like eco-anxiety and alt right—

compress my chest

so I take drags from prescribed steroids

and Vancouver’s long breath

of rain.


despite the captive air in my chest

my foul words leak                           grime reels

of negative self talk

loitering the back of my teeth

—un-hermetic verbiage that resists soap.


I resist having my complaints          accrete

in the karmic scrabble of                  soundprints

that waft back with gossip smog

bellowing industry speak, thick

with over-talkers and fear-mongering

blowhards who unleash                  detritus in the sky

stirred by gull wail                          contrail,

only to snow down again on the skytrain

tracks creaking with city

pigeon wings.


it’s easy forget about the mechanics

of breathing as reckless,

exhaling what I feel

until my airways constrict.


so easy to be stoked by trolls.

I sieve through                                 the haze


cast over skylines and

make friction with my teeth to        burn it up

before it takes my chest captive      I exhale

to the sound of robin chirr

and leaf flutter breeze

to weave a                                        benign tapestry.


I want my words to                          alight brief

—take flight in poetry like               pearls of rain

at the top of the palate

that susurrate subtly as waves of     displaced atoms.


I want                                               no trace

left of me but to drift into                particle waves

and ride their signature’s decay


and my words that are fists

can break past the stratosphere and bloom in solar wind,



from sentence, to phrase, to loose words,

rounded off in phonemes,
diffused into ॐ,


into a clear resonance like a prayer in this body

breathing faulty


in each bronchial branch

holding a catalogue of                     love.

Jessica Lee McMillan (she/her) is a poet and teacher. She has an English MA and creative writing certificate from The Writer’s Studio (SFU). Read her recent/forthcoming poems in The Malahat Review, Crab Creek Review, QWERTY, CV2 and Canadian Literature. Jessica lives on the land of the Halkomelem-speaking Peoples with her little family and large dog.


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