Room’s Poetry and Fiction Contest 2018: The Shortlists

After much deliberation, our poetry and fiction judges, Vivek Shraya and Zoe Whittall, have determined the shortlists of our 2018 Poetry and Fiction Contest! Congrats to the following thirteen writers whose work—or works—have been chosen.

After much deliberation, our poetry and fiction judges, Vivek Shraya and Zoe Whittall, have determined the shortlists of our 2018 Poetry and Fiction Contest! Congrats to the following thirteen writers whose work—or works—have been chosen.

Fiction Shortlist

“Gloria” by Amorina Kingdon
“They Comes on the Ice” by Kate Felix
“Six Things My Father Taught Me About Bears” by Leah Mol
“Marybelle and Marebelle” by Pamela van der Woude
“When Foxes Die Electric” by Paola Ferrante
“Sister Water” by Sophia Ross
“Retrospective” by Tanya R. Ward

Poetry Shortlist

“A ballad for messy brown girls” by Angela Britto
“Curatives for morning sickness” by dee Hobsbawn-Smith
“Leelah” by Rachel Evelyn Sucher
“Child machine” by Rebecca Salazar
“Poem for unwilling mothers” by Rebecca Salazar
“#she” by Rita Espeschit
“Minimal Pairs Are Words Holding Hands” by Selina Boan

Before the winners are announced, take a look at the annual Short Forms Contest we are currently running until the start of next month.


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Step back with Room into the past, to parents, to childhood homes, and to people once known and loved; dig into themes of grief and healing; and ultimately explore what it means to come full circle in literature.

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