Contest Winners

Announcing the Winners of Our 2011 Contest!

Congratulations to the winners of Room's 2011 Fiction, Poetry, and Creative Non-Fiction Contest!Our thanks to everyone who submitted their work, and to our wonderful judges: Amber Dawn (fiction), Elizabeth Bachinsky (poetry), and Susan Juby (creative non-fiction)....

2010 Contest Winners Announced

Congratulations to the winners of Room's 2010 Fiction, Poetry, and Creative Non-Fiction Contest!Our sincere thanks to everyone who submitted their work. Look for first and second place winners in issue 34.1, coming to newsstands in late winter.Our winners for...

2009 Contest Winners Announced

Congratulations to the winners of Room's 2009 Fiction, Poetry, and Creative Non-Fiction Contest!Thank you to all who participated this year's contest. Look for first and second place winners in issue 33.1, coming to newsstands soon!Our winners for 2009:Fiction: 1st...

2008 Contest Winners Announced

Congratulations to the winners of Room’s 2008 Fiction, Poetry, and Creative Non-Fiction Contest! We were thoroughly impressed with the quality of this year’s submissions, and extend our congratulations to all contestants for sharing your best efforts with us. Look for...

2007 Contest Winners Announced

Congratulations to the following finalists in Room's 2007 Poetry and Fiction Contest!Poetry:1st place:"Larger than Life"Pam Calabrese MacLean2nd place:"MIracle of Language"Patricia YoungHonourable Mention"A Short History of Swings"Patricia YoungFiction:1st...

2006 Contest Winners Announced

Congratulations to the following finalists in Room's 2006 Poetry and Fiction Contest! The winning pieces have been published in issues 30.1. The honourable mentions are available online (click the links below).Poetry:1st place:"Cousin"Myrna GaranisEdmonton, Alberta2nd...

2005 Contest Winners Announced

Congratulations to the following finalists in Room's 2005 Poetry and Fiction Contest! The winning pieces are available online (click the links below).Poetry:First place:"Overwintering"Vicki Goodfellow DukeCalgary, ABSecond place:"Into Grains of Sand"Zoya...

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In times of crisis, we laugh to offer tenderness, to ward off despair— so we can be brave. Gather round ROOM 48.1 WITS END and let humour be a mirror held up to the state of the world as we continue to resist.

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Step back with Room into the past, to parents, to childhood homes, and to people once known and loved; dig into themes of grief and healing; and ultimately explore what it means to come full circle in literature.

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