Here they are: the sixteen longlisted poems from our 2020 Poetry Contest!

Here they are: the sixteen longlisted poems from our 2020 Poetry Contest!
“Memories and Where to Keep Them” is the honourable mention for Room’s Creative Non-Fiction Contest 2020. Before my mother left, when my mind was still small and pink like two fists held together, we saw a miracle in the sky. I was still allowed outside then. Whenever...
The results are in. Our warmest congratulations to the three winners of our 2020 Creative Non Fiction Contest! Photo credit: Carissa D'andrade The results are in. Our warmest congratulations to the three winners of our 2020 Creative Non Fiction Contest! Room's 2020...
Finally—here is the shortlist from our 2020 Creative Nonfiction Contest as selected by our esteemed judge, Amanda Leduc! Our heartfelt congrats to the following six essayists. Photo credit: Carissa D'andrade Room's 2020 Creative Nonfiction Contest: The Shortlist...
Photo credit: Carissa D'andrade The longlist is here! Here are the thirteen longlisted essays from our 2020 Creative Nonfiction Contest, which closed back in June. Room's 2020 Creative Nonfiction Contest: The Longlist “A conversation with my grandma about two oceans...
“Good Friends We Have” is the honourable mention for Room’s Fiction Contest 2020. My grandmother said, you can’t choose your family, but you can choose your friends, so choose wisely. But I didn’t so much choose my friends as they chose me. At school, we clung...
Here are the winning short stories as selected by our esteemed judge, Rebecca Fisseha. A major congrats to the three writers! Here are what our judge has to say about the three winning submissions. Photo credit: Melanie EvelynThe results are finally here! Here are the...
Congrats to the following six writers who are shortlisted by our judge, Rebecca Fisseha, for our 2020 Fiction Contest! Congrats to the following six writers who are shortlisted by our judge, Rebecca Fisseha, for our 2020 Fiction Contest!Room's 2020 Fiction Contest:...
The time has come for us to share the longlisted short stories from our 2020 Fiction Contest! The time has come for us to share the longlisted short stories from our 2020 Fiction Contest. Congrats to the following twelve writers!Room's 2020 Fiction Contest: The...
Finally—the results are in. Major congrats to the three winners of our 2019 Cover Art Contest! Finally—the results are in. Major congrats to the three winners of our 2019 Cover Art Contest!Room's 2019 Cover Art Contest WinnersFirst Place: “The Trinity of Self Care” by...