Congrats to the following six writers who are shortlisted by our judge, Rebecca Fisseha, for our 2020 Fiction Contest!
Congrats to the following six writers who are shortlisted by our judge, Rebecca Fisseha, for our 2020 Fiction Contest!
Room‘s 2020 Fiction Contest: The Shortlist
“Companions” by Kate O’Gorman
“Courage for Another Day” by Natasha Shaikh
“Dandelion Hunt” by Nat Lyle
“Good Friends We Have” by Zilla Jones
“Silent City” by Sonali Singh
“Things With Wings” by Lys Morton
In case you missed it, you can find the longlist here. Winners will be announced very soon! Our 2020 Poetry Contest has just opened in case you have a poem or three that we need to publish.
Photo credit: Melanie Evelyn