Announcing Our 2017 Short Forms Contest Shortlist!

We’re excited to announce the shortlisted pieces from our inaugural 2017 Short Forms Contest! After reviewing over 200 pieces of 500 words or less, here is the shortlist of shorts, as determined by our esteemed judge Jen Sookfong Lee.

We’re excited to announce the shortlisted pieces from our inaugural 2017 Short Forms Contest! After reviewing over 200 pieces of 500 words or less, here is the shortlist of shorts, as determined by our esteemed judge Jen Sookfong Lee.

Room‘s 2017 Short Forms Contest: The Shortlist

Cherry Smack by Kim McCullough
Crushed Candy by Andrea MacPherson
Hamza by Hajer Mirwali
Higher Math by Laura Foley
Pop Quiz by Shannon McLaughlin
She Lets Only the Light of a White Hem Show by Cornelia Hoogland
Strategies for Being by Kate Barss
Tiny Splinters by Kate Barss

Thank you to everyone who entered. We will announce the winners next week so check those inboxes! In the meantime, get your fiction and poetry ready for our 2017 Fiction & Poetry Contests, opening next month!


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