Fainting Couch Feminists Episode Sixty-One: How Should We Respond to “Compliments” From Male Strangers?

Mica discusses the dilemma of unsolicited attention from men. How do you get out of a conversation you never wanted to be a part of in the first place? A quick exit should be easy (right??) but if you have an internalized people pleaser complex then maybe this complicates matters.

In this solo episode, Mica discusses the dilemma of unsolicited attention from men. How do you get out of a conversation you never wanted to be a part of in the first place? A quick exit should be easy (right??) but if you have an internalized people pleaser complex then maybe this complicates matters. Mica also discusses some fashion nightmares of yore and rips Jerry Seinfeld a new one because, frankly, he deserves it! Also included: why copywriting can be very satisfying work, even when it’s not your art/passion/life’s dream.

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