Fainting Couch Feminists Episode 76: Love & Death & Magic feat. Cara Nelissen

Cara Nelissen writes and thinks about pining, unrequited wanting, and the kind of bleeding love that makes us all feel kind of…pathetic. In this episode, Cara and Mica talk about queer pining, why Cara likes to discuss death on a first date, what *might* happen when you die, MAGIC, and why crows are kind of spectacular.

Poet Cara Nelissen’s writing explores desire—but not the grand, romantic, gotta-have-you-now kind. She’s more interested in pining, unrequited wanting, and the kind of bleeding love that makes us all feel kind of…pathetic. In this episode, Cara and Mica talk about queer pining, why Cara likes to discuss death on a first date, what *might* happen when you die, MAGIC, and why crows are kind of spectacular. Enter 2020 with a healthy does of love and death and magic! Also please buy Cara’s chapbook, Pray For Us Girls (Rahila’s Ghost Press), because it’s beautiful and it will fill your soul with hope and longing and crow facts.

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