Fainting Couch Feminists Episode Forty-One: How Can I Do This Story Justice?: Katie Douglas Talks Acting Traumatic Narratives

20-year-old Katie Douglas has starred in several films that navigate difficult topics like sexual abuse and the captivity of girls and women, which begs the question: how do actors inhabit a traumatic narrative without becoming traumatized themselves? In this interview, Katie and Mica chat about the popularity (and power) of womens’ dystopia, how the film and TV industry has changed since the #MeToo movement, and the pressure actors feel to “do stories justice.”

Katie Douglas’s acting career began when she was just six years old, meaning she’s been a part of the adult world for much longer than most 20-year-olds. She’s starred in films that navigate difficult topics like sexual abuse and the captivity of girls and women, which begs the question: how do actors inhabit a traumatic narrative without becoming traumatized themselves? In this interview, Katie and Mica chat about the popularity (and power) of womens’ dystopia, how the film and TV industry has changed since the #MeToo movement, and the pressure actors feel to “do stories justice.”

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