Fainting Couch Feminists Episode Fifty-Seven: Girls Who Gig: Rachel Jansen Talks Mushroom Picking, Freelance Life, and Peeing in the Woods

Last year, Rachel went on a mushroom picking escapade to make some sweet cash and she’s here to answer some juicy questions like: why are people so obsessed with morel mushrooms? Why does mushroom picking turn so many people into assholes? And why is peeing in the woods so completely satisfying?

The fabulous Rachel Jansen is back! Last year, Rachel went on a mushroom picking escapade to make some sweet cash and she’s here to answer some juicy questions like: why are people so obsessed with morel mushrooms? Why does mushroom picking turn so many people into assholes? And why is peeing in the woods so completely satisfying? We also chat about our competitive natures, how we feel as willing participants of the gig economy, and why Legally Blonde is an amazing film and don’t even try to tell us otherwise.

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