Fainting Couch Feminists Episode Fifty-Eight: Is Fast Fashion Consuming Us?: Jael Richardson On Her 360-Day Shopping Detox

How do we know when our love of shopping is becoming a problem, either in a personal or a larger, cultural sense? Writer, radio host, and shopping enthusiast Jael Richardson has some answers, which she’s gleaned from her recent 360-day shopping detox.

Shopping is FUN. More tops! More dresses! More shoes! But how do we know when our love of shopping is becoming a problem, either in a personal or a larger, cultural sense? Writer, radio host, and shopping enthusiast Jael Richardson has some answers, which she’s gleaned from her recent 360-day shopping detox. In this episode, Jael unpacks her own desire to consume, discusses how fashion and shopping relate to identity, and tells us what she’s learned during the first 7 months of her detox!

Photo cred: Arden Wray

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