Fainting Couch Feminists Episode 78: A Bunch of Women Talk About Important Things

This episode is an audio highlight reel, featuring snippets from some of the best convos had on the show—like, ever! We’ve got insight from: Vivek Shraya, Anne T. Donahue, Lisa Taddeo, Alexandra Bischoff, Soraya Chemaly, Morgan Brayton, Jen Sookfong Lee, Stacey May Fowles, Mozhdah Jamalzadah, Anna Mehler Paperny, Megan Jones, and Jocelyn Tennant.

Over the past 2.333 years there have been some amazing and super sweet guests on Fainting Couch Feminists! This episode is an audio highlight reel, featuring snippets from some of the best convos had on the show—like, ever! We’ve got insight from: Anne T. Donahue, Lisa Taddeo, Vivek Shraya, Alexandra Bischoff, Soraya Chemaly, Morgan Brayton, Jen Sookfong Lee, Stacey May Fowles, Mozhdah Jamalzadah, Anna Mehler Paperny, Megan Jones, and Jocelyn Tennant. They talk about bodies, anger, grief, politics, men, love, depression, pop culture, sex…and obviously lots more! Tuning in is A+ highly recommended.

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