Fainting Couch Feminists Episode 72: Are We All Just Pervs?: Jess Taylor Talks Female Desire and Taboo

Jess Taylor’s new short story collection, “Just Pervs,” explores women’s desire and sexual taboo in strange, wonderful, necessary ways. In this ep, Jess and Mica talk about why we rarely think of women when we think of “pervs,” and why hyper-sexuality is still viewed as sexual deviance when coming from women.

Jess Taylor’s new short story collection, “Just Pervs,” explores women’s desire and sexual taboo in strange, wonderful, necessary ways. In this ep, Jess and Mica talk about why we rarely think of women when we think of “pervs,” and why hyper-sexuality is still viewed as sexual deviance when coming from women. Jess also chats about the challenges of presenting as bisexual, visible vs. invisible injury, her drag persona Dick Anderson (!!), and why she’s never been afraid to talk about sex.

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