Najwa Ali: Winner of our Emerging Writer Award

The Emerging Writer Award is open to anyone published in a given year in Room, who has not already had a book published. The award comes with a cash prize of $500.

From all the wonderful emerging writers we published last year in Room, one writer’s work stood out for members of Room‘s collective. Najwa Ali’s poem “Harbour”, published in 38.1, In Translation takes readers from Dar-us-salaam through airports where languages become “tickets and mirrors, places / to store bodies and spare parts” to rooming houses with “dead receivers and no ticket out”.

No stranger to Room, Najwa Ali also won our 2013 CNF contest, judged by Betsy Warland, for her essay “Writing, In Transit”. We submitted this essay to the “One-of-a-Kind” category of the 2014 Canadian Magazine Awards, where it received honourable mention.

The Emerging Writer Award is open to anyone published in a given year in Room, who has not already had a book published. The award comes with a cash prize of $500.

Read our interview with Najwa about the award.


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