Growing Room Panel: Get Some Lit Mag Love

Watch the replay of our Growing Room 2020 Festival Panel and learn how to get published in literary magazines.

Get Some Lit Mag Love: How to Publish your Fiction, Poetry, and CNF in Journals

This online panel event took place on March 14, 2020.

More about the panel: How do you break past the gatekeepers and publish your writing in literary journals? Find out from these gate-opening editors. For writers who want to publish fiction, non-fiction, poetry, or hybrid forms, our first-ever online panel discussion will give you practical information about finding a home for your writing. Editors from Canthius, EVENT, The Fiddlehead, LooseLeaf Magazine, and The Unpublishables will share how they work with writers and discuss changes in the lit mag industry—and their impact on you, the writer. Join us from anywhere with an internet connection. Moderated by Rachel Thompson, and featuring panelists Manahil Bandukwala, Jasmine Gui, Doretta Lau, and Shashi Bhat.

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