Creative Non-Fiction Contest 2020: The Longlist

Photo credit: Carissa D’andrade

The longlist is here! Here are the thirteen longlisted essays from our 2020 Creative Nonfiction Contest, which closed back in June.

Room‘s 2020 Creative Nonfiction Contest: The Longlist

“A conversation with my grandma about two oceans converging” by Tanvi Bhatia
“A Slowest Growing” by Carla Harris
“Eulogy” by Stephanie Kain
“Healing Through Horror” by K. Bell
“Inglorious Bastards” by Katherine Abbass
“Memories and Where to Keep Them” by Nat Lyle
“Natural Disaster” by Sarah Hamill
“Not My Trans Journey: Hitchhiking Across the Scottish Hebrides” by Jay Jackson
“Soundingboard” by Debbie Hynes
“The Skin of the Moon” by Margaret Macpherson
“The Surfacing” by Rae Shabalin
“The Wait of Grief” by Simone Dalton
“You, Too?” by Lorraine Robson


Thank you to every writer who trusted us and our judge, Amanda Leduc, with their work. The shortlist and winners will be announced shortly.


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