Announcing Our 2018 Creative Non-Fiction Contest Shortlist!

We’re excited to announce the shortlisted pieces from our 2018 Creative Non-Fiction Contest! Here is the shortlist of essays, as determined by our esteemed judge Stacey May Fowles.

We’re excited to announce the shortlisted pieces from our 2018 Creative Non-Fiction Contest! Here is the shortlist of six essays, as determined by our esteemed judge Stacey May Fowles.

Room’s 2018 Creative Non-Fiction Contest: The Shortlist

“Ab Lutō ad Sordem: From Dirt to Dirt” by Tara Fietz
“Escape Velocity” by Loghan Paylor
“Glossolalia” by Estlin McPhee
“Roping It In” by Justina Elias
“The Things I Didn’t Know” by Nagmeh Phelan
“Waterbabies” by Heather Diamond

Thank you to everyone who entered. We will announce the winners next week so check those inboxes! In the meantime, get your fiction and poetry ready for our 2018 Fiction and Poetry Contest! The deadline is July 15th.


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“Maple keys are built by nature like helicopter blades, which allows them to propel as far as possible from the mother maple… In these pages, we see the brave, touching, true ways we, too, must embrace the fear and the excitement that comes with leaving where we are rooted.”

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